

                                                             TECHNICAL EDUCATION: Technical education is basically a skilled education. It is different from professional education. Now a days the world is in turning position. In past the people travel on horse's camels but now a days they are travel on cars. Computers and all other technologies based on technical education. The 21st century is the century of technical education. Technical education is special vocational training. It includes all the hard skills performed by employees in their daily job task. Technical education is important for economy of the country. People having those skills are needed for the construction of companies building, road build that improves the infrastructure of company. Pakistan has currently largest number of generations of young people. There are 64 percent people of Pakistan is below thirty years but there is a leak of technical education. If these young people got technical education, it would 

Advantages of mobile phone essay school

                                                                MOBILE   PHONE Introduction to mobile phone: A mobile phone is a communication device. It is a mainly used for voice communication. However, technology developments in the field of communication have made mobile phone smart enough to be able to make video calls, surf the internet, play games, take high resolution pictures and even control other relevant gadgets. There is no denying the fact that the mobile phones are useful gadgets. They help us in every day's life in number of ways, making it easy and convenient. But mobile phones are blessing till they are used for useful purposes. using them beyond a certain limit even when there is no need at all, is not a use but an abuse.   Advantages of mobile phones: Mobile has many features that why it become much more than just a communication device. We can use them to make payments, take pictures, education purposes and even order food. In this essay on mobile, kids will un


                                                                                                   AIMS IN LIFE AMBITION Everyone has some aims in their life. Without aim life is meaningless. To succeed in life and to become a manly man aims are necessary. Because aims motivate a person. Many persons due to failure lose their hope. A person having no aims in life stays hopeless throughout life. On the other hand, a person who has some aims in their life does not lose their hope. This failure gave them a lesson. these people then work hard after getting lessons from the failure in life. This motivation is due to having aims in their life.                                  WITHOUT AIMS LIFE IS MEANINGLESS. Everyone has some aims in their life. Some people want to become a doctor. they work hard to get admission to any medical university for higher studies. Medical students have a very difficult routine of studies because it is very difficult to get admission to medical. Why do they want t

6 Motivational Quotes

  “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” --  Albert Einstein “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” ―  Mark Twain “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ―  Marcus Tullius Cicero ''The only thing that feels better than winning is winning when nobody thought you could.''  --  hank Aroun ''When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.   -- Henry Ford '' I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.'' -- Mother Teresa  

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah

As we all know Quaid Azam Muhammad Ali the leader of Pakistan. He was the one who fulfilled the dreams of Alama Iqbal  Quaid Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in 1886 in Karachi. He was admitted to Sindh Madrasa to Islam at the age of ten. Then he went to London for higher studies and became a lawyer. After this, he came back and started practicing in Karachi and Bumba.  He likes politics for the age of a student. Then he entered in political platform. In 1909 he joined Congress. He was a brave leader. He thought that Congress supported both Muslims and Hindus in this way he did not join the Muslim league.   After some time, he realizes that Congress is only working for Hindus. In 1911 Quaid Azam joined the Muslim League. He wanted the Muslim League and Congress to work together against the British and he succeeded in it.           When Quaid Azam worked in the Muslim league some leaders did not agree with him so that's why, he left for Dubai. most of the political leaders requeste


  One of the first things you do, when you take a trip, is go out to eat. I always love trying new foods and visiting different places. There are times you want to leave home to experience something unique, but then there are other days that you can't get more than 15 minutes away from your family. Every vacation has its special events that make it worth leaving home. I like going to a place where the food is good and the people are nice. It's amazing what you will learn about certain countries by eating their food. Another great way to have more time and see a lot of beautiful sights is to rent a car. There are so many places all over the world that don't need a gas or road tax if you just drive around them. You can even find some cheap flights that leave a few hours after that you can travel somewhere for free. The best part though is that you don't have to be able to fly anywhere to rent a car. You can rent a boat, train, train, bus, or train or simply hop on it wit


  how I spend my summer holidays Are you looking for ways to spend your summer holidays? One way is by visiting a beach, whether on the coast or in the sea you prefer; this will help you relax and unwind after a long day of work. If you are not interested in going out of town, why not go for a picnic with some friends? This can be done at home where there are usually plenty of food and drinks that will keep everyone happy and satisfied, especially if you are planning a visit to different places, such as London or Amsterdam. Another option is to stay in a hotel and enjoy some peace in the quiet rooms. You can also choose adventure activities like hiking around the area where you can experience nature’s beauty and take care of yourself while doing so. There are many advantages of staying in a hotel and relaxing in surroundings away from people, such as secluded beaches without crowds or being able to have complete privacy from loud parties, which is important for those who want to remain